The fade ....
and the double life it produces ...
especially in younger males,
is killing the organization and the GB just does not want to get it.
Statistics are brutal.
which is better in your estimation?
hit the borg with a d.a.
letter or do the slow fade.
The fade ....
and the double life it produces ...
especially in younger males,
is killing the organization and the GB just does not want to get it.
Statistics are brutal.
i had a conversation with my doctor.
i decided to use blood.
i wanted to know my blood type.
A traveling elder shared with me that over the last 25 years he had heard the story and personal conviction of many individuals who secretly give blood on a regular basis. They were aware that vast amounts of blood must be given to provide a single JW who needs Factor VIII or the like, and many had relatives who were recipients of the "kindness of strangers."
I was recently most surprised to learn that a close relative of mine does this on a regular basis, rain or shine, with no compensation but internal satisfaction.
I find this most heartening. I suspect that current but unannounced Society policy is that you can donate the same fractions that you can accept.
you will have to understand that i have to change a few details here and there so that i can't be identified.. as many of you are aware i serve as an elder, and from time to time i have been asked by the service desk to handle matters for them by means of "the special committee arrangement".
(a phrase you will not find in any wt letter or elders textbook.
) just to explain.. "a special committee is often set up when, an original committee (ojc)decides to disfellowship an individual, who then appeals against the judgement.
<The truth is, the whole judicial apparatus is unscriptural. So it cannot succeed because it's man-made.>
The voice of sanity. Thank you, OzP, thank you.
If the apparatus were to be dismantled, all service departments would be decimated.
questions and answers.
should dissidence exist among dedicated jehovahs witnesses?
Faith is not synonymous with credulity.
Nowhere in the Bible do I read that I must place my trust in anyone other than God or his Christ. How can I put trust in a group of individuals who have a miserable track record with regard to issues like 1975, alternative service, the "generation," and so on? Who constantly change their mind about policy. Hebrews 13:8 says "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
In answer to the question, I see only encouragement to learn facts about current doctrine, not to read the Bible outside the framework of what is already written in the publications. That exclusivity is extremely dissatisfying in an age in which we are challenged by a flood of information in every field of human endeavor.
We have frankly beaten the phrase to death: faithful and discreet slave. Even a cursory examination of the parable or illustration does not yield what the Watch Tower Society says it does.
Simply put, Pastor Russell was quite pleased when someone applied to him the term "faithful and wise servant." He eschewed it initially, but clearly liked it. Rutherford was not the saintly, kindly disposed Russell and the metaphor did not fit him too well. A class was the answer; anointed class, Jonadab class, Jehu class--faithful and discreet slave class.
I do not feel John 6:68 "to whom can we go?" applies to that class. It's not "where to go," it's "to whom to go." That scripture applies to Jesus Christ.
it never ceases to amaze me seeing how alan's various toadies here fawn over his posts and kiss his behind up to the brown spot.
evidence of this is in the responses to his post about ot & nt morality.. alan uses his own lack of context to twist scripture as well as any jw writer.
a case in point is his notion that adultery and fornication are primarily related to an economic loss (with a woman as property) and not a violation of a clear moral code.
<for the ying-yang above>
Is this some term of Christian endearment your church teaches you to use?
I know it is not biblical.
By citing this obscure dispensational "theology," you clearly show your belief that God keeps changing his mind on a regular basis to fit the time period.
it never ceases to amaze me seeing how alan's various toadies here fawn over his posts and kiss his behind up to the brown spot.
evidence of this is in the responses to his post about ot & nt morality.. alan uses his own lack of context to twist scripture as well as any jw writer.
a case in point is his notion that adultery and fornication are primarily related to an economic loss (with a woman as property) and not a violation of a clear moral code.
1) The Age of Innocence: Creation to the fall of man.
2) The Age of Conscience: The Fall to the Flood.
3) The Age of Human Government: The Flood to the Tower of Babel.
4) The Patriarchal Age: Abraham to the bondage in Egypt.
5) The Age of the Mosaic Law: Moses to Christ.
6) The Church Age: Pentecost to the Rapture.
7) The Judgement Age: The Rapture to the Return of Christ.
8) The Millenial Age: Armageddon to the 'White Throne Judgement'.
<Anyone who as studied theology knows>
Can you name any textbook of theology that thusly lists these time periods?
sexual morality in the old testament differs from that in the new testament .
conservative christians like the jehovah's witnesses often claim that, like the new testament, the old testament forbids all sexual relations outside marriage, including relations between unmarried people.
that is not quite true.
This essay is yet another reason why the position of scholars is that the Bible is best understood in its Near East and cultural context. While no authoritative body is needed to make interpretation, there is need to immerse oneself in that contemporaneous milieu before drawing reasonable conclusions. If you want to understand it, read about it, from persons who have spent lifetimes researching it themselves.
There are a number of standard textbooks available that cover the subject, some mentioned in the thread Nourishment for the Spirit. Also of interest is Robert Alter's "The Art of Biblical Narrative," which also offers insight into the Tamar episode and others.
Do I see a wry smile when you speak of God knocking off another son? Understanding the Hebrew mindset is important, very different from the ephemeral Greek, very earthy, very basic. The heavens open and the rain pours? Thanks be to YHWH. I stub my toe? Thanks be to YHWH, for both the evil and the good stub their toe. A son died with no explanation at a young age? No accident? Only one explanation. Surely it is the work of YHWH, for the son must have displeased him. Note that these fatalities were not attributed to an opposer, a Satan.
It is in that context that YHWH is seen as a tribal bully. The writer believed it, the redactor believed it. Rabbis have argued these passages for centuries, taking the subject matter seriously, but not themselves, reading the message and not just the words.
An A+ for Alan.
Question for a future thread: Will the mainstreaming organization become more legalistic or more Christian? Both roots are in its past.
a question that comes up a lot on the exmormon bb is: "what movie reminds you the most about the church?
" i would put that question here, what movies remind you the most of the watchtower society?
i think i know most of the answer, just interested.. dana.
Please share your favorite brand of bike.
Who has this urge to go hugs these kids but now can't get too close to polyester.
please read the following brief paragraph carefully: .
"once again, the ruling ecclesiastical class suppressed efforts to make gods word available to their flock.
they violently silenced a voice that pointed to some of the errors of their non-biblical beliefs.
Just for Carlo, whose site is just for laughs.
Until you think about persons like "troubled."
"Are YOU one of the happy people in this picture?"
"Why NOT?"
No vomit bag big enough.
thanks, pris, for all your posts, at times serious but always with warmth and good humour.. thanks for being here.
good to see another aussie honoured!.
Good grief!
You strange people are beginning to grow on me!